BlooTech A World Leading Company in Environmental Technology Applications




The BlooTech Group

9720 Town Park Dr. Suite 18

Houston, Texas 77036









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The BlooTech Group (BlooTech) is dedicated to research and development of air pollution control technologies, waste heat reuse, municipal solid waste for electrical power generation, and cellulosic bio-fuels.

Air Pollutant Removal. The Multi-Pollutant-Clean (MPC) system based on the 4th generation technology for flue gas pollutant removal has been developed. It is a standalone system for installation on new or existing coal-fired plants, boilers, furnaces, and other flue gas sources. The system removes almost all SOx, NOx, VOC and toxic metals.

Waste Heat for Electrical Power Generation. BlooTech has developed a new technology to efficiently convert waste heat to electrical power in the 150 ºC to 370 ºC temperature range. Two related patents have been approved.

 Municipal Solid Waste Reuse. BlooTech is also interested in utilizing municipal solid waste for electrical power generation with the MPC system.

Cellulosic Bio-fuels . BlooTech is developing critical technologies for transformation of cellulosic bio-fuels: (1) Biomass-to-Ethanol, (2) Municipal Solid Waste-to-Ethanol.


